
The Club is a limited company, limited by guarantee. Council forms the Board of Management of the club.  It operates within the terms of the Rules of the Club. Under these rules, ‘the management of the Club shall be solely in the hands of the Council’ who are required to ‘apply the funds of property of the Club or any gain arising from the carrying on of the Club, solely in accordance with the Memorandum and the Articles of Association.

Council consists of the Officers of the Club and not more than ten Full Members elected by the Club in General Meeting. The Officers of the Club are the Commodore, the Vice Commodore, two Rear Commodores and the Club Treasurer. Officers are elected annually but may serve as Officers for a maximum of ten consecutive years. Two-thirds of the Council must be owners or part-owners of boats. Council members are elected for three year terms and may serve no more than three consecutive terms.

Council meets approximately every six weeks, although the frequency of its meetings is not laid down in the Club Rules. It is empowered to set up Committees of Council (under the chairmanship of a member of Council) to carry its business forward. The following committees are currently active:

  • Finance & General Purposes Committee. Under the chairmanship of the Commodore, F&GP is effectively the Club’s Executive Board, primarily but not exclusively concerned with finance and personnel and other operational matters.
  • Racing Committee. Deals with all aspects of the club racing programme, Chair: Peter Curtis Committee membership includes the Chair and up to five other Council members. Council has the power to co-opt as additional members, elected captains of fleets and other experienced yachtsmen..
  • Safety Committee. Responsible for all aspects of on water safety at the club. Chair: Mark Boyes

Members of Council with effect from the AGM in July 2023 (or co-opted afterwards) are as follows:

Commodore                        Mark Rushton

Vice Commodore                Andy Rhodes

Rear Commodore                Colin Glover

Rear Commodore                Peter Curtis

Hon. Treasurer                     Geraint Jones

Other Council Members:

Nigel Denchfield

Peter Gee

Bill Parish

Mark Boyes

Reece Webb

Clare Geoghehan

Will Russell

Any of the Officers or Council members can be contacted through the office at; the Commodore can be contacted directly at

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