Non-Native Species

Movement of Boats to Grafham Water
In order to prevent the spread of non-native species there is a requirement to ensure that boats are clean before they visit the site using the principle of Check Clean Dry. This includes: CHECK your equipment and clothing for live organisms – particularly in areas that are damp or hard to inspect. CLEAN and wash equipment, footwear and clothing thoroughly. If you do come across any organisms, leave them at the water body where you found them. DRY all equipment and clothing – some species can live for many days in moist conditions. Make sure you don’t transfer water elsewhere. Anglian Water ask for boats and equipment, arriving at Grafham Water that are from the following locations, to have been clean and dry for at least two days prior to arrival – if not, then they must not be launched at the Club:
Wraysbury Reservoir and Wraysbury River near to Staines The Queen Mother Reservoir Queen Elizabeth II/Bessborough Reservoirs Queen Mary Reservoir Warwick East Reservoir, Warwick West Reservoir and William Girling Reservoir all located in the Lee Valley
Movement of Boats from Grafham Water
A non-native species of fresh water shrimp (commonly known as killer shrimps) have been found in Grafham Water and certain restrictions on boat movement have been imposed by AW, DEFRA or other bodies to prevent the spread of these to other locations in the UK. These requirements are prominently displayed on the club premises and will include washing boats and equipment before removal from the Club premises.