Our Weather Station is a Davies VP2 mounted on the top of the club house at an altitude of approximately 65M above sea level.
The weather station wind vane is mounted as high as practically possible on a 5 metre mast on the roof of the club house. However; the water’s southern shore and the club house are sheltered by the village of Perry and the surrounding trees. The station therefore understates wind strength in Southerly breezes. Always use the weather station data in conjunction with the club safety flags which indicate the overall status of the water and can be seen here.
The text display showing direction, speed and gust is updated every minute. The Dials and graphs are generated every fifteen minutes at 0,15,30 and 45 minutes and available for display a minute later.
The Station currently uses the Cumulus software package to process and upload data.
The wind strength shown is the two minute average and the gust is the highest gust in the last two minutes. The graphs show conditions over the last eight hours.
The dials show wind conditions when the images were generated.
The wind speed indicator shows three values:
- The needle shows the current snapshot of the wind speed from the weather station.
- The green sector shows the current average wind speed.
- The red sector shows the recent highest gust.
The wind direction indicator shows the current snapshot of the wind direction from the weather station with a red pointer together with the bearing in the centre of the gauge. It also shows the average wind direction over the last ten minutes with a blue pointer.
The Wind Rose gives a visual summary of the relative wind strength and direction over last few hours; the lines drawn in each direction take into account the strength of the wind as well as the length of time it has been coming from that direction.
Need to know more then try the weather technical page here.